Tuesday, February 15, 2011

{Preschool-Nursery} Security Wristbands: Keeping our kids safe!

Hi Parents,

As many of you have noticed in the Little Lambs (2-3 year old) Room, we have been trying to implement a security procedure to ensure the safety of your children. Soon, we will also be expanding this security procedure to the PreK-Kindergarten and Nursery Rooms (DATE TBD). As big as New Life Fellowship has grown, I love that we still maintain a small community feel. Although we know many of the regular attendees, we average approximately 5-10 new and visiting families and children each week along with a large rotation of volunteers. We, the leadership felt that for the safety of our children, we would like to work towards bettering this system.

Our goal is to create a safe, loving environment where the children will thrive as they learn and play. 

In the last couple of weeks, have been testing out numbered disposable wristbands. At sign-in, each child and parent both receive bands that have corresponding numbers on them. At pick-up, parents must return with the matching wristband in order for them to pick up their child. This is to ensure that the right child goes home with the right adult. :) (This is the main purpose of the wristbands right now).

Also, in the near future, we hope to use these coded numbers as a paging system (This is still a process we are working out). If for any reason, we need to contact you during service (crying or another emergency) the code will be displayed on the PowerPoint screen in the sanctuary. This will be your cue to return to the Little Lambs Room to attend to your child.

We thank you for your patience as we are trying to organize and improve the system. We apologize for the extended time checking-in but hope that in the end, this will prove to be beneficial for our families.

If you have any questions, concerns or thoughts please feel free to email us at children@newlifefellowship.org

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