Friday, February 25, 2011

{Elementary} Big Idea:: Virtues & God's Word

By the time children reach the sixth grade, we want them to understand and own these 3 Basic Truths:
  • I need to make the wise choice.
  • I can trust God no matter what.
  • I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
so they are reinforced each week.

We also focus on a core virtue each month. This virtue is supported by the weekly bottom line—the learning aim for the day. On the whole, we utilize Bible stories, a core virtue, and a memory verse each month while offering engaging presentations of the 3 Basic Truths.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

{Elementary} Small Group Pics

Here are some great pictures of our 1-3rd graders playing games and learning about Kindness.  This past weeks bottom line was:

Treat others as if they belong to God.

Ms. Eva being the great Small Group Leader she is!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

{Preschool-Nursery} Security Wristbands: Keeping our kids safe!

Hi Parents,

As many of you have noticed in the Little Lambs (2-3 year old) Room, we have been trying to implement a security procedure to ensure the safety of your children. Soon, we will also be expanding this security procedure to the PreK-Kindergarten and Nursery Rooms (DATE TBD). As big as New Life Fellowship has grown, I love that we still maintain a small community feel. Although we know many of the regular attendees, we average approximately 5-10 new and visiting families and children each week along with a large rotation of volunteers. We, the leadership felt that for the safety of our children, we would like to work towards bettering this system.

Our goal is to create a safe, loving environment where the children will thrive as they learn and play. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Great Parent Blog

No matter how old your "child" is (birth-18), Orange Parents is a great blog to follow.  When you get a chance click on over and read their articles.

Friday, February 11, 2011

What Happens at Home...

 Hi Parents!

We (The Church) have, on average, 40 hours with your kids every year (Taking into account sick days, holidays, travel for sports).  You (Parents) have, on average, over 3,000 hours with your children yearly.

So as I thought about this fact and prayed about what our Children's Ministry can do to impact the lives of the kids at New Life Fellowship, it became very clear that we can't do it alone. No one has more potential to influence a child's relationship with God than you. That's why we say at New Life fellowship...
"What happens at home, in many ways, is more important than what happens at church."

Friday, February 4, 2011

{Elementary} February: Kindness

Hi Elementary School Parents,

We are approaching February, a new month, and that means a... NEW VIRTUE!  Here's a sneak peak of what kids will be seeing this coming Sunday.
A Virtue is something God does in us, to change the world around us!
Now doesn't that look like fun! ;) We will be talking about Kindness for the entire month of February.
Kindness is showing others they are valuable by how you treat them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We Heart our NLK Volunteers!


Fueling our children's ministry is our awesome team of volunteers! On Sunday, Feb 13th, we want to shower our teacher's with love and we will be doing something special for them! Help us express our love and appreciation for their service to our children by taking a moment to write a short note of thanks and appreciation.

Please fill out by Feb 7th!