Friday, August 5, 2011

{Preschool} God Knows What's Best for Me!

Hello Preschool Parents!
(That's any parent with a Toddler-Preschooler)

God knows what's best for me. He does. That's easy to say, isn't it? He knows best. The Bible says so. We see example after example of it in both stories of old and our friends' lives. However, when we're in the middle of a trial, when we have to make the hard choice rather than the easy one, that's when it's hard to see. Even then, God knows what's best.

God knows what's best for me even when I don't like what He's shown me is best. Have you ever been prayerfully considering your options and realized that the option that He thinks is best is the one that's going to be hardest for you? During those times, I think about Jonah. He sure didn't want to go to Nineveh. He went running in the opposite direction. Guess where he ended up? In Nineveh. Only, he took the hardest route possible. He ended up in the belly of a big fish. You and I may not have ended up in the belly of a big fish, but by running from God we've probably ended up somewhere worse, somewhere even more uncomfortable. If only we'd remembered that God knows what's best for us.

That is why this truth is so important to place in the hearts of our preschoolers. They soon will have to make tough choices, develop friendships that will shape them, walk a difficult path. Wouldn't it be amazing if in their heart of hearts they truly believed that God knows what is best for them? That they would trust Him and listen to Him through those around them and His word. That's the goal this month. While our preschoolers play games and tell stories, they will be hearing over and over again that God knows what's best for them. Knowing it could change their lives.

Here is a quick video about what your Preschooler will learn this August @ New Life Kids:

Be sure to pick up a Parent Cue sheet (Small Talk sheet) this Sunday as you drop off and pick up your child!

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